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Hey there! Subscribe now and get TWO FREE ebooks from Shellie, ``Finding Margin for the Devotional Life`` and ``That Book in You!
Behold the Light
a fresh take on the Night Before Christmas
Generations have grown up with images of Clement Clark Moore’s classic telling of the night before Christmas. In this fresh new holiday offering, Shellie uses that very recognizable cadence to engage readers with the wonder of our Savior’s birth. This little story has been a part of her family for years. Shellie is hoping it will find a place in yours. Read more and see how you can purchase your own copy!

Living on high alert drains your energy and steals your joy. There is a better way and Seizing the Good Life will help you find it!
With the Gospel according to John as her roadmap—and plenty of personal stories, insights, and a healthy dollop of humor for good measure—Shellie can help you not only rediscover the peace and joy found in friendship with Jesus, the Lover of your soul, but maintain it over the long haul. God never intended for you to hold on to a dry faith with chewed-up fingernails. You really can know peace and joy in the middle of our anxious and angry culture. A deep dive into this study will help you seize the good life once again.

Author. Bible Teacher.
Podcast Host
Laughter Loving, Story Stacking, Jesus following, FarmWife, Mom & Keggie
Shellie is the fun-loving host of the All Things Southern podcast who lives to help hungry hearts feast on Jesus through humor and storytelling. Shellie is a popular humorist, speaker, and country cook. She’s the author of the award winning nonfiction humor titles Suck Your Stomach In and Put Some Color On and Sue Ellen’s Girl Ain’t Fat, She Just Weighs Heavy! Shellie’s storytelling cookbook, “Hungry is a Mighty Fine Sauce” is now on bookshelves along with it’s delightful companion Devotions for the Hungry Heart. Shellie’s debut book in the faith market, Heart Wide Open has been endorsed by Missy and Korie Robertson saying it will fuel your desire for a deeper relationship with God.