•    •  October (Page 2)

Lila Diana was born on December 22, 1945 in Glasgow, Kentucky. Her father was a local judge and prominent politician. Her mother taught school and saw to it that her daughters took lessons in speaking, fencing and voice. Although she remembers being a straight "A" nerd, the striking blond also had personality and poise. The combination helped her secure the 1962 National Junior Miss title

He was born on May 18th, 1952 in Poteet, Texas. He grew up riding and roping on his family's cattle ranch and making music with his friends in their own garage band. After graduating from high school, George spent a short time in college, before eloping with his high school sweetheart. Over thirty years later, that union is still as strong as ever. Following a

My friend Linda had a little surgery yesterday. This morning I called to check on her, and to my surprise, she answered the phone. “Linda,” I said, “Is that you? I didn’t expect you to answer. Where’s John?” “Oh, he’s gone to pick the kids up from his mama’s. It’s okay. I’m on the couch and the portable phone was right here beside me. Besides,

Welcome back to the All Things Southern kitchen, friends. I’m bringing y’all my Sweet and Saucy Pork Loin today. It’s another recipe that I really, really thought was in the archives already. But, I guess it’s a good thing y’all don’t pay me for thinking, ‘cause I checked and it’s not there. We can fix that, though! Six simple ingredients and this is going to be