•  2012 (Page 13)

******8-29-12 After watching that last storm update, I feel compelled to offer the following pertinent except from my most recent book, Sue Ellen's Girl Ain't Fat, She Just Weighs Heavy . Perhaps it will help some to refrain from sharing quite so enthusiastically.  THX! ****** On behalf of my fellow Louisianans, and our many friends in other hard hit areas of the southern region, I’d like to have a come to

Dashing off a quick post from this coffee shop before heading to the studio. Battling a killer sinus infection and my doc is out of the office. Yes, I know I could use someone else. Meet Mrs. Creature of Habit. Meanwhile, back at the home place, my men (along with thousands of their closest friends from a handful of states) are in full Hurricane Mode. Some

It was late evening. I was making my way home with only the sounds of the car beneath me breaking the silence. I needed all the quiet I could get. My mind was speeding faster than the vehicle, insistent on snatching back frustrations I was trying to lay at God’s feet, tempting me to look at the problem from yet another angle. Wasn’t there anything