•  2012 (Page 18)

I’m enjoying the decision to borrow a few moments from our biographical sketch in order to showcase some of the best poems, fables, and morals stories from years gone by. I hope they’re inspiring to you, also. Today’s thoughts come from the late Margaret E. Sangster, born Margaret Munson on February 22, 1838. She was a talented wordsmith who initially gave up her dreams of

Hello folks, let’s chat…~smile~ This morning Paulette asked me why I haven’t broached the subject of swimsuits on the porch this summer. I told her I figured we’d done enough complaining about swimsuits over the years and I imagine the men on the porch have tired of the whining. But then Paulette reminded me that it always elicits tons of fun email stories from y’all!

Hey y'all! It's Monday and I'm running around like a chicken with her head cut off trying to lay radio tracks here and prepare for this evening's talk show in Monroe. That's ATS LIVE in the event you haven't heard -- and if you haven't heard, today would be a perfect time to join us! We'll be on the porch swing just a'swanging at 5:06