•  2012 (Page 33)

Greetings friends! I feel like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs this morning. 2012 has commenced with a bang! Note to self: update my schedule on the website so you fine folks can play "Where in the world is Shellie?" with me! Suffice to say, a few itty bitty things are falling through the cracks, like, I don't know-- sleeping?! Never

He was born on April 18th, 1973 in Pensacola, FL. Having won football championships at both the high school and college level, he came into the NFL in 1995 with clear goals and a work ethic necessary to see them realized. This native Floridian and first round draft pick of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers wanted to establish himself as one of the league’s best linebackers.