•  2012 (Page 8)

Someone sent me a video clip of the sweetest marriage proposal. It opens with a young man singing a love song to his sweetie. Suddenly a friend of theirs dances into view lip syncing joyfully. Then another arrives, and another. As the boy guides his sweetheart along a marked path, their loved ones appear from all directions performing solos, duets, and quartets. The girlfriend has

It's that time, y'all! This Nov. 1st we will officially launch our 30 Days of Thankfulness here at All Things Southern. Longtime readers will recognize it as our annual humanitarian effort designed to coincide with the Thanksgiving season. So many of you have joined with me in past years to express our gratitude by reaching out to those in need. Remember when we worked with Life Today to drill

Most of you know that Sunday evenings generally find me prepping for Monday evening's radio show. By now you're accustomed to my asking y'all to join me for another visit on ATS LIVE, but never have I felt like it was more important for y'all to engage. As the presidential election nears, and the mud-slinging gets deeper, my special guest and I are going to wade into the discussion.