Ode to Country Stores
Hey friend, Got time for a story? I've got country stores on my mind. You may remember that we just finished hosting our grandchildren for the 7th Annual Pops and Keggie Kamp. The Beloved Farmer and I have mostly recovered. Mostly. ~smile~ We packed tons of lovely chaos into our time together but somehow between our morning devotionals, visiting with their great grandparents, four-wheeling on the
The Most Rewarding Invitation Awaits
Hello friend, Welcome back to my porch here in northeast Louisiana. I'm just snagging a moment to reach out to you. Life keeps coming at full speed here and I'm sure you can say the same, but I love this community and I miss y'all when too much time gets away without connecting. So, let's catch up. On this side of the screen, the Beloved Farmer and