Follow that Fire Truck!

My man and I just returned from Houston, TX where we spent the weekend keeping the Baby Beau Czar while his parents went to a wedding in NYC. And may I just report that his mommy, our darling daughter, the same child who would have given her right arm to go to New York as a teenager, spent the entire weekend texting and calling to see what Grant Thomas was doing. Times have certainly changed!

I humored the poor girl with stories, like the one I told her about us driving through the city when a fire engine raced by us with siren sounding and lights flashing. “Follow that fire truck!” her two and a half year old son hollered from the back seat. Grant is all about vehicles of any shape and size, cars, trucks, motorcycles; if it has wheels he needs to get a closer look.

The highlight of Grant’s weekend, and maybe Pops, was the trip we made to a Golf Cart dealer. Pops had hunting wheels on his mind and Grant, why, he could not have had more fun at a theme park! He jumped from one golf cart to the next, dragging me behind him by the hand. Barely would we get our bottoms on the seat of one cart, scarcely would Grant give the wheel a half revolution, before he would see another ride he just had to try out. Come on, Keggie!

We’ve all been in Grant’s shoes. The fancy name for that human behavior is the law of diminishing returns; that which makes what we have less fulfilling than what we’re craving,
even though it looked good before it was ours. Today I want to remind you of the Divine Exception. His name is Jesus and He is worthy of celebrating! Seek Him. Feed on His word. Bask in His presence. You, too, will discover that the pursuit of God is one grand adventure that need never grow stale.
