A Brief Bible Study with Shellie

Jesus Makes You More (Click to Open Printable Copy)

If you long to know Jesus better and love Him more, this devotional is for you.

If you’re a believer who is willing to admit that you can still fall short while you’re following, this short Bible study will be an encouragement to you. It has the potential to fill you to overflowing with gratitude and fresh amazement at the grace of God shown to us in the face of Christ.

Oh, and it may make you want to shout. It did me.

On the other hand, if you’re a sinless believer, you lie and your feet stink. I didn’t say it, the Apostle John did. Okay, I added the part about stinking feet. That saying has been in my family longer than I have. But the lie part, that’s Biblical.

Record I John 1:8 here.  ____________________________________________________________________________


Several weeks ago, I was sitting in a hotel room praying before a conference where I would soon speak, again, in the morning session. The Presence of God had met with us the evening before and I had gone to sleep full to overflowing with praise and thanksgiving. So, why was I having a hard time settling into prayer, I wondered (for what is most definitely not the first time ever).

I wanted to pray but my mind was swirling with news from back home, things I needed to remember to say later, and deep thoughts like why my coffee was getting cold so quickly.

My lack of concentration wasn’t new, but it was embarrassing. It’s always embarrassing in the face of God’s steady goodness. I whispered as much to our Father.

“You deserve a mind that doesn’t wander in prayer,” I told Him. “You deserve a will that never questions Yours, a faith that never doubts You, and a heart that’s always fervent. But you get me. You deserve so much more…”

I had no sooner spoken the words when God responded. If it helps anyone reading this, God’s inside voice often feels like an epiphany to me. That how it felt that morning when my heart heard, “I got more. Jesus did all of that and more, perfectly. And you stand in the favor His obedience earned.”


Let me tell you, I was no longer vaguely aware of God’s Abiding Presence. I was on full alert. My mind began searching through the Word that I’ve planted in my heart, looking for solid verses where I could meditate on this blessed truth. And let me tell you, I’m not too proud to call a search engine in when all I can locate in my memory disc is a phrase or two.


I found many. Look the following verses up and record them for yourself. I’ll meet you on the other side with one more.


Philippians 3:9


Romans 5:19



Now, let’s read 1 Cor. 1:30 in the Amplified Translation, together.


But it is from Him that you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God [revealing His plan of salvation], and righteousness [making us acceptable to God], and sanctification [making us holy and setting us apart for God], and redemption [providing our ransom from the penalty for sin], I Corinthians 1:30

List four things Jesus accomplished for us in this verse?

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Eph. 1:6 tells us this Jesus who became our wisdom, our righteousness, our salvation, and our redemption, made us acceptable to God. Would you circle those italicized words?

Christ made us acceptable to God, now. Not on the other side of glory, but right now.  I can’t fathom the depths of such grace, but I can revel in it, and for the sake of your sweet soul, and the growing relationship with Jesus your heart is hungry for, I suggest you do, too!

Revel in it every single time you feel less than. Approach the throne reveling in it every time you wish you could offer Him more devotion, more love, more obedience, and see if you don’t enjoy your stay.

Oh, and that stay, the one at His feet, it will transform you incrementally, and make you want to serve Him all the more. Oh, what a Savior. Selah.
