Shellie Rushing Tomlinson
Speaker, Author and Podcast HostShellie is a multi-published author, speaker, and farmer’s wife known for saying “Life can be hard when it’s good, but it’s always better when you’re laughing.” Shellie loves using humor and storytelling as she unpacks Biblical truth aimed at helping others discover the lives Jesus died to give them. If she could, Shellie would run from the title of Christian comedienne or humorist because it can lead some people to adopt an “I double dog dare you to make me laugh” attitude and cause them miss the message. However, that ship sailed when Jeff Foxworthy endorsed her award-winning humor books Suck Your Stomach In and Put Some Color On, and Sue Ellen’s Girl Ain’t Fat, She Just Weighs Heavy! and called her “Laugh out loud funny!”
Shellie’s Christian non-fiction work has been featured on the YouVersion Bible app and Right Now Media, the world’s largest library of Bible study video resources, and includes the titles, Heart Wide Open, Devotions for the Hungry Heart, and Finding Deep and Wide. After more than a decade in radio, Shellie now hosts The Story Table podcast from her home on the banks of Lake Providence, Louisiana and shares hosting duties on the popular Rocking it Grand podcast with her friend, Chrys Howard.
Shellie and her husband, Phil, live in Lake Providence, Louisiana. They have two children and six grandchildren. When Shellie finds the time she is going to add a mention of coffee in this bio because it doesn’t feel right without it. Stay tuned.
laughter loving, story stacking