Alone at the Throne

It was a seriously bad idea, but we were high school kids out and about on a Friday night. Translation, the whole bunch of us tended to act now and think later. The decision to act now had come when my date’s best friend pulled up alongside of us in his souped-up pick up, with his date riding shotgun. He grinned, racked his pipes, and made the universal motion for “Want to race?” Let the record show this should be categorized as a vehicular double dog dare . As such, my date found it impossible to ignore.


Later came in the form of the flashing blue lights of a state trooper who didn’t think the challenge should have been issued, or accepted. Tickets had been issued to both drivers and the boys were now weighing the black and white evidence of their ill-advised actions. The evidence they held in their hands went far beyond incriminating and into the realm of “when our parents see how fast we were driving it will be the end of life as we know it.” My date grabbed at the sole chance of survival he could think of and began begging me to come home with him to tell his parents. He was convinced his dad wouldn’t kill him in front of me. I was leaning towards no way, no how, but the sheer desperation on his face finally proved too much for me. The meeting back at the old homestead was every bit as terrifying as we expected, but we’ll leave the story there. I’ve got something else on my heart right now.

The truth is none of us get out of this thing alive. One day we’ll all stand in front of God and none of us will get to bring reinforcements for our comfort or our protection. The only thing that will matter then is whether we’ve embraced the sin canceling salvation Jesus offers us at the Cross. Through Him, we’ll enter into eternal life. Without Him we’ll face eternal judgment. This is one time when you want to think now and act now. Later will be too late.
