An Open Letter to Both Sides of the Fence on this 7th Morning of 30 Days of Thankfulness
To my fellow AmericansÂ
A wise person once said that fences make good neighbors and surely there’s a lot of truth in the adage, but perhaps it’d be wiser if we remembered that gates make friends. I respectfully offer three thoughts for all of us that could build a few as we move forward.
Please be gracious in victory. A divided nation needs it.
I didn’t vote with you but I’ll look for every opportunity to unite with you.
Don’t try to convince me why you were right, put your hand to the plow and prove it.
Please be gracious in defeat. A divided nation needs it.
I voted with you but I’m choosing joy, peace, and hope, instead of gloom and doom.
Don’t try to convince your choir how bad this will be. Work, pray, and serve so it isn’t.
        “All things worth together for good to them that love God.” Romans 8:28
P.S. We’re in the middle of a worthy cause around here. Please consider joining us.
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Perfectly stated.
Shellie Rushing Tomlinson
Thank you, Rachel! I can tell that’s heartfelt.
Stephanie Cortes
I totally agree with Lori. I have been sad all morning and I know that now I need to be more open minded and learn to work with them, not against them. So Shellie, thank you you for opening our eyes and I would like to nominate you for the Nobel Peace Prize!
Shellie Rushing Tomlinson
Oh, Stephanie, truly laughing out loud here at the Nobel Nomination but I flat out love you for your kind response!
Sandra Smith
A masterful piece my friend…
Shellie Rushing Tomlinson
Thank you, girl! We must be light, yes?!
Thanks, Miss Shellie, I really needed this reminder this morning. It’s been extremely hard to be gracious given how disappointed I am in the results. My M.O. has been silence because, as embarrassed as I am to admit it, I have not trusted myself to be rational, calm, or Christian-like in my response. Thank you for reminding me to turn the other cheek and realize my responsibility is rather to pray for the other side than to lament the possibilities.
Shellie Rushing Tomlinson
Always honored and humbled if I can bring you words that will help and hea instead of divide! 🙂
Shellie Rushing Tomlinson
Heal…. my fingers do get ahead of me!
Leslie Martin Young
Beautifully said, friend!
Shellie Rushing Tomlinson
Thx, Leslie! We have an opportunity to be lights in this. Let’s take it! 🙂