Are you a Cling Free Christian?

And now, let’s open the word together before we go.

This morning’s reading had me staggering at account after account of heroes of the faith who laid down their lives for the spread of the gospel, at home and abroad. Their biographies are as individual as their DNA, but one thread shows up over and again in their stories. The threat of imminent death didn’t deter them because, to a person, they had already died.

If you cling to your life, you will lose it, and if you let your life go, you will save it. Luke 17:33

This world offers nothing but bait and switch. Search it over and you’ll never find anything to compare to what God has already given. Jesus is abundant eternal life. My goal is dying to me and living to Christ. I’m not there, but living with my little “i” yielded is bringing me ever increasing peace and open ended promise of more of His fellowship and nothing rivals the company of Christ. Nothing. Will you join me in asking Father to teach us to die to live. Blessings, y’all.



  • Karrla Whitworth
    September 30, 2019

    I’m so happy and blessed to have found you today! Was looking for a good Spiced Tea mix recipe- the kind with Tang (my childhood breakfast treat).
    Anyway, I’m trying to sign up for your free e-book (“Margins”), but am stymied.
    WHAT is an “image URL??? I have no idea what to put there- nor do any of my friends.
    Sweetie, technology is NOT my friend. At my age, im not interested in making any new friends such as that! But not really laughing.

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