•  Articles posted by Shellie Rushing Tomlinson (Page 145)

That Lucy! She needs a whooping.  Time after time she promises Charlie Brown that she'll hold his football.  And time after time, Charlie Brown falls for it. Only to have Lucy jerk it away at the last moment. Wipeout!                     I feel his pain. Meet my Lucy.. .                     Oh, sure-- she looks all innocent, sitting there, beckoning me after a long day to treat myself with a spin around the lake. "I'll

Hello folks, it's a pleasure to welcome y'all back to my porch. Have a seat and let’s chat…~smile~ Remember my telling y’all about our family’s history of pulling practical jokes on our children? Well, my Papa was a major player. One night, back on Bull Run Road, it fell to my middle sister Rhonda to carry the scraps out after supper. (City folks: that means feeding

Hey y'all, I would love to say that I wrote these rules. I did not. They came via an email, but Dixie Belle and I have laughed ourselves silly over it. We have concurred that it is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth and hence, important for us to share. Dog Rules 1. The dog is NOT allowed in the house. 2. Okay, the