How to Make a Believer Out of Someone, Quickly!
Hello folks, let’s chat…A couple weeks ago I told y’all a story about my prank-loving Papaw Stone, a rubber snake and a very real albeit dead snake. Well, as is often the case, that little funny brought out a round of “that reminds me of the time” stories from the All Things Southern community. First there was the story from Georgia. Years ago two little boys
Shoutout to the best readers/radio listeners out there!
I tell people all the time that I have the best readers and radio listeners out there, anywhere. I'm Elvis and his blue suede shoes serious! The All Things Southern community rocks. For illustration I give you a glimpse into my email box last night. I got in from a weekend retreat and was cleaning out the inbox when order #2291 came through for three of
The ATS “Keep Calm and Bless Their Hearts” T-Shirt Makes it to the Shopping Cart!
Thank you for your patience! I finally got the new ATS T-Shirts in the shopping cart! They're being modeled by my BFF's beautiful daughter, Jaclyn. Photography by my talented daughter-in-law, Carey! The ATS Southern Pearls emblem is on the front and a great southern belle saying is on the back. But, the more you read it, the more I hope you hear the Lord reminding us all to,
The Things You Can Think
The All Things Southern Baby Czars and I might not always agree on which book we want to read and how many times it should be read, in one sitting, but when it comes to story time itself, the grands and I are on the same page. Pun intended. Books rock! One of my favorites is a Doctor Seuss classic, “Oh, the Thinks You Can
General Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson in the Southern Quote
He was born January 21, 1824 in Clarksburg, Virginia. His parents, patriotic Revolutionary stock, died when he was a child. He was a leader from boyhood and his country upbringing made him a bold and expert rider. In June, 1842 he was appointed to a cadetship in the Military Academy at West Point. After graduation he served in the Mexican War, where he quickly received promotions
Sherry’s Cranberry Chicken Salad
Hey folks! Welcome back to the All Things Southern kitchen. I’m sharing a recipe I acquired from a new friend I met at a speaking engagement recently. This is Sherry’s Cranberry Chicken Salad recipe, and it’s delicious. "Sherry’s Cranberry Chicken Salad" 4 cups chopped cooked chicken breast (I use all the meat from a rotisserie chicken instead of just breast meat) 1 cup chopped celery 3/4 cup dried cranberries 1 green
It’s Not Always Easy to Get to the Truth
I was sitting at my laptop trying to decide which story to share with y’all next when my dear husband turned the TV from a lop-sided basketball game to the news. A vigorous political debate was in full swing and in a lot of ways, it was like nothing changed. On one channel two teams were fighting over a ball full of hot air and
An Important PSA from the Belle of All Things Southern
Hello folks, let's chat
Getting to Know You!
Ten multiple choice questions that shouldn't take more than thirty seconds and it's entirely anonymous. Can you do it? Hugs, Shellie Getting to Know You!
Making Plan B Beautiful
It was Wednesday and my day to keep the grand girls. Miss Emerson had one thing on her mind. “Keggie, are we going to make Jell-O today? “Sure,” I said. Jell-O is our thing right now. We make it before lunch and the deal is that we get to share a small cup if the girls rest well. Mind you, two-year old Carlisle still takes