Beat the Heat

The infamous heat of our Louisiana summers has arrived. My present idea of beating the heat is tied to the ac, with a few exceptions for the beach, a pool, or a boat, but years ago my sisters and I would endure these stifling conditions to play outdoors. Of course, this was often because Mama had told us we could find something to do outside or she would find something fun for us to do inside. Again, we were country kids but we weren’t stupid. Mama’s concept of a big time usually meant cleaning the bathrooms and straightening our closets.

I’m not saying we weren’t allowed to come inside, provided we had good reason. Mama never actually spelled that out, but we understood it to be a medical emergency involving blood or broken bones. Thirsty? There was always the water hose. Experience taught us to let the hose run a minute before partaking. If you’ve ever drank from a water hose that’s been lying in the sun on a hot summer day you know that the initial stream won’t quench your thirst. If you’re not careful, it can even scorch your mouth. I suppose had we not learned to linger we never would’ve tasted the water that flowed once the hose cooled. That’d be a shame, too. The drink that came next was pure refreshment. It almost makes me want to go outside and recreate the moment. Almost.

Two different experiences and one source of blessing, such is life. Some people complain that they don’t like to read the Bible with mournful finality, as if there’s no hope of that ever changing. Hogwash. It’s a little like that water hose moment. God Himself tells us in Jeremiah that his word is like a fire and a hammer. But He also describes it as fresh bread, and yes, living water. I beg you to linger over it. Give yourself time in it and God’s word can’t fail to quench your deepest thirst. For parched hearts, it’s the only source that truly satisfies.
