Booking it to Barnes and Nobles

Saturday morning I picked up Mama to ride with me to Barnes and Nobles in Shreveport for the next stop on the wild ride that is Sue Ellen’s Girl Ain’t Fat, She Just Weighs Heavy. She was looking quite sassy. I meant to get a picture of her all my her beautiful self, but it slipped my mind. Drats. Here’s one of us with Ms. Personality, Elizabeth the Book Magician of Barnes and Nobles. Author friends, you need to know this girl. She makes things happen. (Doesn’t Mama look great?!)

To my delight, the always effervescent Judy Christie, fellow author of the Gone to Green Series and Hurry Less, Worry Less fame, was there to celebrate with us. That’s Judy beside me, and to the far right is Donna, a loyal and warm hearted Freader (friend/reader) who has been an ATS porcher for some time now.


Joining Judy and I here is the lovely and talented Tricia Goyer, an author friend who was also in Shreveport signing at Lifeway.  SO kind of her to finish her act and drop in on mine!

Y’all know Red, (AKA Rhonda) my BFF that travels with me so much? This is her sissy, Cynthia. We should’ve gotten your kids in the pic, CeCe!

I wish I would’ve gotten everyone’s pictures, like the loyal porcher who is not only in the book, but her daughter and her mother are in the book. Three generations of fun! Of course, some of you didn’t want your photos taken at that particular time– and you know who you are. 🙂

Others simply came and went without me remembering to ask but that doesn’t mean I have forgotten nor will I forget you. (Find me on Facebook!) I enjoyed everyone who stopped by, even my sweet new Czech friend transplanted into our southern way of life who was getting quite the education yesterday…

Another fun day of traveling in the Bookmobile. Hope to see y’all sometime soon on the road. Have a beautiful Sunday evening.
