Buford Thinks Fast

 Y’all remember Bubba’s good friend, Buford, right? I was talking to his wife Lou Ann earlier. She assures me that Buford won’t mind me telling y’all what he did the other day.  I’m going take her word on it, because it’s just too much fun not to share.

 One of Buford’s old high school friends has been hounding Buford.  The man is in some sort of investment business and he’s been doing everything he can do to get Buford to buy in. Buford isn’t the least bit interested but he’s had a hard time getting the message across to his old friend. The guy had managed to get Buford to agree to meet for lunch to discuss it. Buford didn’t want to keep the appointment. He spent the whole weekend dreading it.

Lou Ann was in the kitchen the morning of their lunch when Buford made up his mind that he was just going to call his old friend and cancel it. Buford hit the speaker button on his cell phone while he was pouring his coffee.

The two of them chatted back and forth a minute and then Buford said, “Look, I’m real sorry about this but I’m not going to be able to meet you for lunch.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” his friend said. “What’s wrong?”

Clearly, Buford hadn’t thought through the call. Lou Ann said he looked at her all frantic like while he stammered around for an excuse. Unfortunately, he said the first thing that came to mind. “I’ve got laryngitis,” he said. “Yeah, that’s it. I’ve got laryngitis.”

There was silence on the phone. “Really?” the other guy said. “You don’t sound like you’re whispering to me.”

Yeah, he was busted, but at that point, all Buford could do was play it on out.

“Why should I whisper?” he said with a weak laugh. “It’s not like it’s a secret.”

Hugs, Shellie