Can a Skillet Change Your Life?

I have two priceless cast iron skillets. Should someone inadvertently add dishwashing liquid to either of them I’d be hard pressed not to have a hissy fit and fall in it! (As an aside for those among who may not have had a southern mama to teach them these things, dishwashing liquid can ruin the finish of a perfectly wonderful skillet and require one to start all over again, seasoning it from scratch.) While the smaller of my skillets is great for quick jobs, I call the Big Boy in for heavy lifting, like the larger demands of a family gathering. And heavy lifting is spot on phrasing for the Big Boy. A belle can get a good forearm workout just toting him between the sink and the stove!

My point: this belle understands the value of a trust-worthy skillet, but I ask you, can a frying pan change your life? I’m going with no, even though that’s exactly what was promised by an ad I just saw airing on major television. Buying said frying pan would change my life, direct quote. Methinks they call that hyperbole. Back in the day my parents called it stretching the truth. I may have gotten a spanking or two for it, but I digress.

Today we’re so inoculated against the steady barrage of these larger than life claims that they seldom register. If they do, we view them with a skepticism born of past disappointments. I get that. I’ve bought my share of hook, line, and sinker products that do precisely that— sink. What’s distressing is for folks to let this history with people and their empty pledges color how they feel about the promises of Jesus. There’s simply no comparison. Jesus is the word and the word is Jesus. He won’t fail to do or be in our lives all that the Bible advertises. If you haven’t found His presence sweeter than honey and more precious than gold, you have yet to find yourself in His presence. Press in harder. Unlike that silly frying pan, Jesus Christ really will change your life.
