A Thanksgiving Challenge
*****I'm posting y'all, because this is our official All Things Southern Thanksgiving Challenge. After reading this post, consider asking those loved ones you gather with this Thursday to join you in rescuing a child trapped in sex-trafficking. $128 will free a child. Can y'all join together and do it as a way of expressing your gratitude this year? I'd love to hear from you! *******2nd update- I'll
Bainbridge knows how to throw a Belleabration!
It’s Sunday morning and I’m about to head for the airport, pointed towards home with a stack of stories. I do believe I’ll be leaving a bit of my heart here in Bainbridge, Georgia, but I’m okay with that. I’m taking memories a plenty back with me that will more than compensate! Trust me, if this weekend was in a ledger column, my side would
Georgia on My Mind!
When one stops completing unpacking one's suitcase in favor of adding to and taking from it for the next trip, one may be on the road too much, 'ya think?! But that's neither here nor there, y'all. Now is no time to throw on the brakes! I'm way too excited about this weekend's trip to Bainbridge, GA where I'll be hosting a ladies retreat at Calvary Baptist Church! The
Q & A with a real agent on today on ATS LIVE!
No, silly! Not that kind of agent. :) Hey y'all! Are you dreaming of getting published and wondering where to start? Have you written that book but have no idea where to turn? Could you use some insider information? Yeah, I thought so. Regular correspondance with the All Things Southern porchers has revealed a number of aspiring writers in our community and your dutiful hostess has made it my
Another round of the Caption Game, anyone?
Hey y'all, checking in quickly before I check out for the night. I've stuffed several days into one here trying to get ready for yet another road trip and the brain is officially shutting down. I'm going to let the brain cells marinate and go at the deadlines again in the a.m. For now, how about another round of the caption game? I'll go first.
ATS LIVE t/row! A Call-In Extravaganza with the Belles of Southern Belleview
Hey y'all! It's Sunday evening and I should be prepping for tomorrow's ATS LIVE radio show but, really now, that would imply that I might actually go by my notes, right? HAHAHAHA! Like that'll happen! Those of you loyal listeners know full well that ATS LIVE should come with a warning, but here it is for everyone else: Yeah, I would be the ham. :) Besides, I have even
Life Lessons from the ATS Baby Czars
Laugh with everything you've got Cuddling is good therapy Make do with what you've got Celebrate the small victories Stay in touch with those you love Take every opportunity to dance Indeed, my grands have taught me much, much more and I hope to be ever learning, but for now, the writer in me will leave you with this reminder
Storystacking on ATS LIVE this evening. Winners, Guests, Chuckles, Oh my!
First things first, I need your help! I'm having a hard time getting my Facebook friends to take me seriously and it's putting their very social media lives on the line. I don't know what to do about it. I thought I'd mention this to y'all here on the blogosphere and see if y'all have any suggestions. It started when I noticed that many, many, many people
Templeton’s Weekend at the SIBA Fair
And now, without further ado, I bring you the promised SIBA report with a warning, I'm fairly sure I'm about to be major wordy
Let’s Play the Caption Game
I'll go first. "Do I have to do EVERYTHING?"