•  All Things Southern (Page 45)

Many of you will remember that this past spring my small town was  living under the threat of a main levee break, even as water flooded over an older levee that protected a number of area farms. I wrote about it here.   Sunday evening we drove out to see the damage firsthand from where the old levee gave way as work is to begin this week on filling

Hey y'all-- I recently joined Goodreads and I'm trying to find my way around that community to visit with readers whenever I can manage to grab a spare second-- but I'm treading lightly, yes I am.  See, I recieved one of those interesting autoresponder "author not to-do email" when I signed up (apparently they've had authors who stalk the poor readers-- hence the need for the rules, which makes

In observance of Nat'l Kiss and Makeup Day, I dedicate this post to my fine Southern Mama who believed a forced peace was better than none at all. If my sisters and I fought, and oh did we fight, Mama would make us sit under the dining room table with our arms around each other's shoulders until we could get along. As I may have mentioned in

Hey y'all! I just finished laying radio tracks for next week's canned daily segments of All Things Southern (did you know you can find a list of my affiliates here)  and now I'm prepping for this afternoon's live show. I hope you're planning to join me. ATS LIVE airs on TALK 540 out of Monroe, LA from 5:00 to 5:00 CST. But, if you're not local-- no worries--

Hey y'all, I'm peddling hard this morning to recover from the weekend trip to Houston (simply MUST finger chat that with y'all soon) and lay radio tracks, but I wanted to give y'all a sneak peak of the show this evening. I do hope to "see" everyone on air later this evening. My special guest on ATS LIVE today is author/speaker Tricia Goyer. Tricia is a wife and mother

That Lucy! She needs a whooping.  Time after time she promises Charlie Brown that she'll hold his football.  And time after time, Charlie Brown falls for it. Only to have Lucy jerk it away at the last moment. Wipeout!                     I feel his pain. Meet my Lucy.. .                     Oh, sure-- she looks all innocent, sitting there, beckoning me after a long day to treat myself with a spin around the lake. "I'll

Hey y'all, I would love to say that I wrote these rules. I did not. They came via an email, but Dixie Belle and I have laughed ourselves silly over it. We have concurred that it is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth and hence, important for us to share. Dog Rules 1. The dog is NOT allowed in the house. 2. Okay, the