A Divine Starting Place without a Finish Line
It's here, friends, Christmas Day has come. Please know that I'm forever touched by your desire to spend this season with me and my sweet author friends, (thanks again Tricia, Joneal, Marybeth, and Mary!) However close we came to celebrating the true meaning of Christmas throughout this season, or how far from the mark we found ourselves falling, our goal was a worthy one and
Jesus, the Original Gift that Keeps on Giving
I'm so humbled that you're taking a moment to read this devotional on Christmas Eve. I wrote it to remind us that there is always more Jesus for us to embrace and enjoy, if we'll only refuse to settle. And now, I'm going to honor your time and leave you to it without further comment. Blessings, friends. ~
Who You Lookin’ At?!
I just love today's prompt! Not because the words are mine, but because the grace it celebrates is all Jesus. Read the Holy Words first and let the tense of the verse sink in as you consider the wonder working blood of Christ. It's not how well we can monitor the messy places of our hearts, hoping we're doing a good job of keeping ourselves
Living Forgiving on the Heart Wide Open Christmas Journey
I'm convinced that God enjoys a good laugh as much as any of us, if not more. Last night was a fine example. After a long lovely day with family and friends, I plopped down in my recliner to jot y'all a note and post the next Heart Wide Open Devotional. If you'll remember, I wrote this journey for us this past July, and I've slept
When Our Quest in Misguided
This past July I was sitting underneath a whirling fan on my back porch with a huge glass of sweet tea at my side, typing out the daily devos that would become our Heart Wide Open journey. At the time, I had no idea what the Advent season held for my immediate family and that I would be needier than ever for my sweet Jesus
A Heart Wide Open Christmas Recap for Newcomers to our Advent Journey
Hello friends! We're only six days into our Advent Invitation and the feedback I'm getting from y'all is literally blessing my socks off! One Jesus loving girlfriend re-imagined her entire Christmas tree this year, and graciously attributed the idea to our Heart Wide Open Christmas journey! Check this out. She used special ornaments given to her over the years from her mother, white lights, ribbon garland,
A Heart Wide Open Christmas
Welcome! If you've landed here without a clue as to what's going on, you can read all about A Heart Wide Open Christmas here. For those of you ready to kick off our journey together, I'm about to bust to get started, but first a reminder. Beginning tomorrow morning, our Advent Invitation will blog hop! Here's the breakdown. Tricia Goyer will have December 1st-5th, Dr. Joneal
I Find You Waiting
I texted her late last night. Because she lives too far from me. Because her city is large and has been mentioned as a target. Because even though she has a husband and children of her own, she'll always be my little girl and the instinct to protect her will always be strong. So, tomorrow is 9-11. We're not trying to scare you and we aren't
I'll begin with an unashamed announcement. This party loving people person right here adores social media. I'm all over the ones I can figure out, (Hello Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!) and if I could decide what to do with the others, I'd be all over them as well. (Sorry Goodreads, Linkedin and Google+-- but I do try to be timely in accepting my friend requests,