•  blog (Page 37)

Earlier in the week, I got an email that said one of my friends had posted a picture of me on Facebook. Clicking through, I found this:                     Now, in her defense, my new Facebook friend was sharing the picture to opine on this http://shellierushingtomlinson.wordpress.com/2011/08/30/anthrax-in-lp/ post. She wasn't necessarily saying I looked like a pig, (I don't think!). However,  for a belle is who is out there trying to

In observance of Nat'l Kiss and Makeup Day, I dedicate this post to my fine Southern Mama who believed a forced peace was better than none at all. If my sisters and I fought, and oh did we fight, Mama would make us sit under the dining room table with our arms around each other's shoulders until we could get along. As I may have mentioned in