Expecting trouble?
This is Carey the communication czar
Kinda like a Hog Calling Contest, Kinda
I hope y'all won't take offense to that hog calling reference once I tell y'all what's on my mind. It's just that I thought, being southern and all, y'all would undertstand hog calling contests, and chicken calling contests, and husband calling contests, and well-- y'all get the point. We do a fair share of calling around here, don't we, now? I'm crossing my fingers that y'all might
Whatever You Do, Don’t Look Down
One of the things I get the most around here is, "I don't know how you're doing everything you're doing." I imagine I answer some version of that at least once a week, if not more. Earlier this evening I realized that I seldom address it seriously, I generally choose to make a joke of some sort instead, and I've never discussed it with the All Things Southern porch at large.
I have not shrunk
I'm just scrunched up with the miniature horses!
Bird’s eye view…
Of the @ucfbookfestival
Anyone see a problem here?
Dressing for author meet and greet @ucfbookfestival. Anyone see a problem with the black heels I packed at 5;00 a.m. in Luzianna?
File this one under No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Yeah, so I thought I'd stop in the middle of the madness and make my man a pineapple and banana creme pie because I have to leave him tomorrow to go to the UCFBookFestival in Orlando, FL. As you can see, it didn't quite make it to the fridge. Sigh. Hugs, Shellie AKA FumbleFingers
Jeff Foxworthy Stops by ATS LIVE!
Hey y'all! I've been meaning to share this for a while. It's the clip of the great Foxworthy's visit to ATS LIVE. As you'll see, he was an extremely kind superstar and every bit as down to earth and charming as you would have imagined. Click the link to listen, folks. I hope you enjoy. (Oh, and if you care to share, it'd be much appreciated.)
Sue Ellen’s Girl Ain’t Fat, She Just Weighs Heavy
Book trailers are all the rage. If you’re a big time author, your publisher will shell out big bucks to have one professionally done to market your next best-seller. If you’re not a big time author, you may have to produce your own. In that case, you’ll get something like this Feel free to share with your mama and 'em! Hugs, Shellie
Early Morning Lakeside
Thinking this morning of the great clash of angry man and Holy God at the cross. All that we might gain access through the gaping hole, (the torn veil), of the Father's heart. I don't want to neglect the privilege. There my burdened soul finds liberty, at Calvary