His and Her Diary Entries for the Same Day
Full disclosure, folks: I did not write the following material. However, after my recent chat about the differences in the way men and women think aired, I received the following email from several directions. Honestly, I found it so funny I just had to share. Again, I would credit a source if I had one, but in the absence of any such information, I give
Star Performs at the Dude Ranch
I heard from Barry, yesterday. He’s the porcher that runs that dude ranch out in West Texas. Barry is always good for a story or two about city slickers. I told him he should tape some of those visitors and start his own reality show. Barry seems quite taken with the idea of him and Star being on TV, what with the two of them
CSI on the Golf Course
You might not know Sly, but you probably know someone like him. I have changed his name to protect the not so innocent. Sly is one of those people who could sell ice to an Eskimo. He got his reputation back in high school. Sly wasn’t a big athlete, but he talked a great game. He wasn’t the best looking guy on campus, either, but
Questionable Inheritance
A bunch of us were down at the coffee shop the other day when the subject turned to someone’s cousin’s friend’s stepdaughter who had just inherited a good bit of money. Evidently the girl’s uncle had passed away in Alabama. The man had never married and he didn’t have any kids of his own, so he had left this young college student everything he had.
Banker in Training
I’ve said it many times. The best stories are the true ones and the best of the true ones come from my readers. For instance, today’s chuckle comes from Mike in Atlanta. He wrote me a while back with this account of his charming baby girl, who just might have a future in the banking business. Mike was happy to let me share this story
Score One for Mrs. Mamie Lee
I’ve told y’all about Old Man Henry and the good-natured ribbing he’s always giving his wife. Well, turnabout is fair play, girls and Mrs. Mamie is on the board! First some history: Mrs. Mamie has been having a few heart spells, nothing really scary, just something our local doc thought she should have checked out. He set her up with a specialist in Memphis. Mr.
How to Spin Your Way Out of a Tall Tale
Everyone knows that fishermen are known for stretching the truth, a tad. I’m here to tell you that hunters can give ‘em a run for their money in that department. One day a bunch of the guys were standing around the John Deere store reminiscing about the last seasons’ hunting trips when Judge Allen and his wife arrived. Greetings were exchanged and the talk resumed.
Bro. Bart’s Learning Curve
Word is that young preacher, Bro. Bart, is still trying to find his way in the ministry. It’s not that anyone around here holds his northern upbringing against him; exactly…it’s just that Bro. Bart’s ways are a little funny to the community. Still, you have to hand it to the young man. He’s mighty zealous about his calling. The other day Bro. Bart went out
“Domestic Regrets”
Yesterday, LuEllen and Betty were sitting out on Betty’s front porch, watching their kids playing in the front yard. They were enjoying one last cup of coffee and some adult conversation before going in to start dinner. Their conversation was monopolized with the usual….housework, kids, etc. I think LuEllen and Betty must have six or seven school-age kids between ‘em and a couple lap younguns.
“Angry Tourist”
We had a little incident around here last Friday. Some lady in a spanking new red convertible came speeding through the middle of town like she was headed to put out a fire. She’d managed to run both of our stoplights and scare the beejesus out of some folks trying to cross the street before one of our good deputies got her pulled over. Things