•  Faith (Page 20)

I don't know where else you plan to be tomorrow evening from 5:00 to 6:00 PM Central time, but if there is any way possible, I hope you'll make plans to join me for another great hour of ATS LIVE! I'm so looking forward to this show. In around the fun and folly that is normal for this "anything but ordinary" radio show, I've got two

Phil Sims, a Vietnam veteran, served in the US Navy for seven years, five of them aboard the USS Midway CVA41. He's a Boy Scout scoutmaster, a member of the Gideons International, and the author of Not Without Purpose. He and his wife, Alma, reside in West Monroe, Louisiana. They have three grown children and six grandchildren.  Not Without Purpose is set at the end of the conflict in

Hey y'all! I'm in a full out run today after a weekend of lovely chaos and tremendous celebration! Shall fill y'all in on all the details this evening on ATS LIVE! I hope you're planning to join me today. I'm looking forward to spending an hour with y'all LIVE and introducing y'all to a great friend. My special guest today will be Jonathan Wiggins, senior

Hey y'all, I'm super excited! Should have the new All Things Southern "Bless Their Hearts" t-shirts available by the end of January! Hope to have them at the book table when I speak at the Texas Cowgirl Convention! I'm planning to offer them in dark chocolate, hot pink, lime green, and this gorgeous blue! Oh, I'm also bringing back the "If You're Southern and You Know It, Say Amen" design,

Hey y'all, I'm planning a Thanksgiving show this evening on ATSLIVE and I hope you'll join me! Super easy instructions. Simply give me a call on air 1-800-259-1440, leave a comment here or post it on the All Things Southern Facebook wall and tell me what you're most grateful for this year. I'll read your notes during the show! And while you're talking gratitude-- this would be a

It's the 16th day of 30 Days of Thankfulness. I'm relishing the notes of gratitude I see my family and friends posting here, there, and everywhere and I love stumbling upon the words of grateful strangers. Sweet, funny, poignant words, letters from our laptops, strung together on our keyboards. When I see them, I hear James. I can't help it. I see the Lord's brother everywhere right now and I hear him in my head. I'd say Blame in on