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Hey y'all, have a seat, and let's chat… I hope your summer has gotten off to a great start. It hasn’t taken long for things to heat up here in the northeast corner of Louisiana. Ironically, yet true to the life of the farmer, we were super late getting our crops planted because of all the rain—and now, we’re laying poly pipe and watering. So are

I’m Shellie, a laughter loving story stacking farmer’s wife, country cook, mom, and Keggie to five adorable grands. I’m also a speaker, author, and Bible teacher.  Everything reminds me of a story, and I believe life is better when you’re laughing. Hit subscribe and stick around. We need to chat… Meet our guest today, Becky Kopitsky, author of the Cranky Mom. She’ll be on later with solid

Happy New Year, y’all. 2019 has arrived. I remember listening in to an adult conversation years ago and hearing my Uncle Bryon talking about what he thought we’d see in the future.  Back then 2019 sounded quite futuristic to my young ears.  Uncle Bryon used to say that one day the roads would move instead of the cars. He saw us driving our vehicles onto the

  We saw yesterday that only one leper turned back to acknowledge the Source of the blessing, and in verse nineteen Jesus said this grateful one displayed faith that made him whole. Some of your translations will say his faith saved him. What about the other nine? Where they only healed physically, not spiritually? The Bible doesn’t say, so neither can we. But it would seem

Welcome, y’all. Shellie here, in this week’s episode of All Things Southern, I’ll be visiting with Rhonda Stoppe, also known as the No Regrets Woman. Rhonda and her husband, pastor Steve Stoppe, have released a new book called The Marriage Mentor, “Becoming the Couple You Long to Be”. It’s a valuable resource and Rhonda is a great communicator. You’ll enjoy her!   Of course, I’ll also share

  Did that title throw you? It sounds like I’ve smushed Thanksgiving smack dab into Christmas, doesn’t it? I’ll explain. For years now, I’ve been on a quest to learn how to live Christmas with Jesus instead of doing Christmas the way the world does. Many of you have been sharing that journey with me through my Advent devotionals. During that time, you’ve also joined me in

Hey y'all! I spoke at the BATTLE conference in West Monroe, LA recently with a host of Jesus loving women.Miss Kay Robertson wasn't able to join us for this pic but she was on the program for the big day, and the crowd just adored her message that was filled with wisdom and humor! I’ll be sharing a recording of the message I brought a little