•  Friends & Family

Hello friend! It's high time we catch up, wouldn't you say? I'll go first. It's March Madness on so many levels around here. There's NCAA basketball fever, for sure. We Tomlinsons love us some basketball. You can read that as we'll be those people grieving when the winners finish cutting down the nets, but that's a few weeks off, so right now we're in hog

Hey friends! I'm in an all out run this fine Monday morning trying to catch up from the road and the blessings of being able to speak at the Cowgirl Get Together conference this past weekend in Brownsboro, TX. The greatest blessings, and there were many, would hands down be the two souls I was privileged to pray with as they gave their hearts to

Dear reader, You may recall my stated goal to "have myself a meaningful little Christmas."  Well, grab a Christmas cookie and a comfy chair. Here's the rest of the story.  Had you asked me how it was going this past Sunday, I would've said everything was right on track and progressing nicely. (Insert your favorite quote about the best laid plans.) The day before my extended

The message fell into my heart weeks ago and stayed with me, “Have yourself a Meaningful Little Christmas.” I didn’t know what I was meant to do with it, but I determined to listen. I’ve learned if I’ll value God’s inside voice, He’ll elaborate. Granted, I recognized the gentle spin of the lyrics from the old Christmas classic.  I’m not that dense. But any meaning beyond

Hello friend, it's a beautiful evening here on the banks of Lake Providence, LA. The wet weather that's been hanging over us for a couple weeks now has finally broken. Thank you, Lord! The beloved farmer hasn’t made it in, but when he left at lunch he was hoping they’d be able to find a dry spot to kick #harvest2022 back off again.  We’ll see.