A Christmas of Kindness
Welcome to the 12 Pearls of Christmas! Enjoy these Christmas "Pearls of Wisdom" from some of today's most beloved writer's (Tricia Goyer, Suzanne Woods Fisher, Shellie Rushing Tomlinson, Sibella Giorello and more)! Please follow the series through Christmas day as each contributor shares heartfelt stories of how God has touched a life during this most wonderful time of the year. AND just for fun
Sometimes you gotta go along to get along…HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
I was a new mother, trying to do everything by the book. My sisters-in-law, all three of them, were knee deep in motherhood with elementary aged school children. They had long since figured out how durable the wee ones really are. Our perspectives met head on that fateful Thanksgiving. As we gathered in their mother’s dining room with our respective broods, my in-laws announced that
A People Trick that May Change Your Life or Someone Who Crosses It
There's a little people trick I do on a regular basis. It's not a big deal. Many of y'all may already do this, or something similar, but I can't shake the urge to blog about it, so here's the thing. I look into your face and I try to see the little you. I do it in all sorts of situations but mostly if you are frustrating me
Yo, Cats and Dogs– It’s all good
My friend River Jordan sent me a great picture yesterday. I only have to open my phone and look at it to get a good laugh. Of course, that means I must share it with y'all. I hope it lightens someone's load. First, some back story. If you've been around All Things Southern long you may have heard me refer to River as Cat, and myself as Dog. Those nicknames came about
One Belle’s Response to the NYT’s — Frankly, We Do Give a Rip
Yes, yes, and yes. I saw the piece in the New York Times, the one that suggested southern chivalry is dead, or at least wounded, and manners are on the decline. It did ruffle my southern feathers and I have decided to opine. I took a few days to consider whether or not anything good could be gained by my wading into the conversation, but when you're known as The Belle of All Things Southern,
Can I Say Here What I Was Too Chicken to Say There?
Dear friend, My heart broke this afternoon as I listened to your story and tried to understand even a fraction of the horror you've lived through. I knew bits and pieces from the brief notes you've sent me before, but those messages came across many miles and through a computer screen. I couldn't see your eyes or hear your voice like I did today across the small round table that separated us.
A Thanksgiving Challenge
*****I'm posting y'all, because this is our official All Things Southern Thanksgiving Challenge. After reading this post, consider asking those loved ones you gather with this Thursday to join you in rescuing a child trapped in sex-trafficking. $128 will free a child. Can y'all join together and do it as a way of expressing your gratitude this year? I'd love to hear from you! *******2nd update- I'll
Georgia on My Mind!
When one stops completing unpacking one's suitcase in favor of adding to and taking from it for the next trip, one may be on the road too much, 'ya think?! But that's neither here nor there, y'all. Now is no time to throw on the brakes! I'm way too excited about this weekend's trip to Bainbridge, GA where I'll be hosting a ladies retreat at Calvary Baptist Church! The
Q & A with a real agent on today on ATS LIVE!
No, silly! Not that kind of agent. :) Hey y'all! Are you dreaming of getting published and wondering where to start? Have you written that book but have no idea where to turn? Could you use some insider information? Yeah, I thought so. Regular correspondance with the All Things Southern porchers has revealed a number of aspiring writers in our community and your dutiful hostess has made it my