Life Lessons from the ATS Baby Czars
Laugh with everything you've got Cuddling is good therapy Make do with what you've got Celebrate the small victories Stay in touch with those you love Take every opportunity to dance Indeed, my grands have taught me much, much more and I hope to be ever learning, but for now, the writer in me will leave you with this reminder
Update: What the Mighty Mississippi Did This Spring
Many of you will remember that this past spring my small town was living under the threat of a main levee break, even as water flooded over an older levee that protected a number of area farms. I wrote about it here. Sunday evening we drove out to see the damage firsthand from where the old levee gave way as work is to begin this week on filling
Where were you… 9/11/2001
It's familiar in the most painful way, this need to wring my thoughts out onto the page, that I might see them clearer, that I might remember that day and pay my respects to those who lost their lives. But again, like so many times in the last decade
This Belle hates to miss a good shindig…
If you are Mr. or Mrs. Goodread, you'll need to give me some time to get up to basics, but after hearing everyone and their mama ask me why I wasn't "active" on Goodreads, I've decided there MUST be something there I'm missing. And you do know this belle can't stand the idea of missing a good party-- especially if it's about words. So-- I'm
Nat’l Kiss and Makeup Day (or settling for a forced peace)
In observance of Nat'l Kiss and Makeup Day, I dedicate this post to my fine Southern Mama who believed a forced peace was better than none at all. If my sisters and I fought, and oh did we fight, Mama would make us sit under the dining room table with our arms around each other's shoulders until we could get along. As I may have mentioned in
What do you see in this picture?
I have a piece of artwork sitting on a bookshelf here in the family room that has become quite the conversation piece. I purchased it simply because I liked what I "saw". It was only after I got it home and my husband mentioned what he saw when he looked at it that I began to realize how thought provoking it really is-- and I'm wondering if it
The Dog Rules, Sanctioned by Dixie Belle the Squirrel Patrol Czar
Hey y'all, I would love to say that I wrote these rules. I did not. They came via an email, but Dixie Belle and I have laughed ourselves silly over it. We have concurred that it is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth and hence, important for us to share. Dog Rules 1. The dog is NOT allowed in the house. 2. Okay, the
Family Reunions or Uncle Who Did What?!
Hey y'all, "tell the truth and stay in church", (that would be one of my peoples' fav sayings), did y'all go to your family reunions this summer? I had two, only made one. (Mass apologies to mama's side!) Of course, truth is, I only made it to the Rushing shindig this past Saturday by the skin of my teeth. I was late. Again. Didn't even make the noon meal. Again. Hence
One more reason why I’m weird
Hey y'all, can we chat? I am, without a doubt, one of the strangest people I know. I could list a myriad of reasons why that is so (and I'm picturing a whole host of people who would love to offer their help with such a list) but here is just ONE. It's about that last post-- the one with the super cool picture I found-- the one