•  Talk Show

Hello my friend! I interviewed Jenny Dean Schmidt, AKA The Channel Mom, on The Story Table. She has a new book out called, "Mom, You're Amazing", right here in time for Mother's Day! Trust me, you'll love Jenny! Everyone does. You can join our conversation here.  It may be geared toward moms, but Jenny has so much to say about where we are and how

Welcome back to the All Things Southern kitchen. We’re making protein balls. My daughter aka Miss Kitchen Belleicious—look her up! Was the first to turn me onto protein balls. And honestly, although I enjoy them at her house, they usually fall off my radar once I get home. At least they used to, but not anymore. I’ve been experimenting with them, lately. I just whipped

Happy New Year, y’all. 2019 has arrived. I remember listening in to an adult conversation years ago and hearing my Uncle Bryon talking about what he thought we’d see in the future.  Back then 2019 sounded quite futuristic to my young ears.  Uncle Bryon used to say that one day the roads would move instead of the cars. He saw us driving our vehicles onto the

Welcome, y’all. This is Shellie and I’ll be chatting with Carolanne Miljavic in this week’s episode to discuss her new debut book, Oddly Enough! Carolanne describes herself as a southern raised, Jesus saved, barely sane author, speaker, social media goofball, wife, and mom of 3 daughters. She says, “Grief taught her gratitude, pain gave her purpose, and loss revealed true love.” Join us for a

This is Shellie, AKA Belle of All Things Southern, helping hungry hearts feast on Jesus through humor & storytelling, and it’s a blessing to have you drop by. The men are still busy harvesting and I’m here in the office where I’ve prepared a fun show for y’all. Author and host of the popular website eatathometonight.com Tiffany King will join me in a bit to talk about

Welcome back to All Things Southern y’all. School bells are ringing in these parts. I imagine they are in your corner of the world, too. Which means, of course, that the lazy days of summer have come and gone. Not that there were that many of them, but it’s all good. There’s always something to celebrate. Like Fall’s Spice Tea—I’m sipping on a cup now,

I made a big announcement on ATS LIVE this past Monday about how I've taken some time lately to lay everything I'm doing before the Lord and asking Him for direction on it all. My goal? To be intentional about where I am and where I'm headed.  That dreaming, musing, and praying, has led me to do some revamping and remodeling here at All Things