Finding a Deep and Wide Christmas Advent – Dec. 2nd

It’s impossible not to recognize the increasing commercialism of Christmas, and it’s a good and necessary idea to ask the Holy Spirit to help us stay focused on its true meaning. But as we walk through this season, let’s make sure our observations don’t lead to communication that alienates those who most need to hear the good news of Jesus!

Super-abounding grace in the face of very real sin was the glorious reality presented in the garden at sin’s initial strike. Promise given even as punishment was handed down. Sin found a place in Eve, spread to Adam, and snared all of humanity, but Grace appeared in the middle of their mess—and He lives in the midst of our sin-reeling world, too. This is the news we’re meant to share without sticking our heads in the sand and proclaiming all is lost for the rest of the world while “the few, the proud, the saved” live on doctored memories of days gone by. ~excerpted from Finding Deep and Wide, releasing January 2020

 But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more … (Romans 5:20)

[bctt tweet=”Sin found a place in Eve, spread to Adam, and snared all of humanity, but Grace appeared in the middle of their mess—and He lives in the midst of our sin-reeling world, too.” username=”shelliet”]