I Want to Be an Extreme Imitator Like Carlisle Mae

Everything comes in pairs with my granddaughters, Emerson and Carlisle, A.K.A, The ATS Bellerina Czars. And I do mean everything. Yes, I know what you’re thinking. We’ve all seen younger siblings imitate their older sisters and brothers but Carlisle Mae takes the age-old game to a whole new level. If four-year-old Emerson Ann is doing it, two year-old Carlisle Mae is going to try it or bust. Ditto on whatever Emerson is eating or wearing! The examples are endless. If Emerson is making a cheesy face, Carlisle plasters on the biggest grin she can muster. If Emerson asks me to buckle her car seat, nothing doing but I must buckle Carlisle’s, too.

My sisters and I used to mimic each other as a source of irritation. Not these girls. For Carlisle, repeating everything her sissy says is simply standard operating procedure and for her part, Emerson doesn’t seem to mind in the least. She doesn’t even seem to be aware of it. As long as Emerson can remember, she’s had an echo. True story, the evening I was writing this piece, Emerson burped during supper and said excuse me. Carlisle promptly followed suit, burping and then asking to be excused.

Carlisle Mae is what I would call an extreme imitator—and I want to be just like her!  Of course, it’s not Emerson I’m bent on mimicking. I want to mimic Jesus. I Peter 2:21 tells us that we were called to walk in His footsteps! I want to watch what Jesus is doing, listen to what He is saying, and pay attention to where He is working and join Him as quickly as I can. This God Man is our example. This God Man is our life! I want to follow Him so closely that should He pause, I’ll be sure to trip over His feet and worship right there until He moves again. Consider this your invitation to join me in the Blessed Pursuit.
