I’ve got Free Samples from the Seizing the Good Life audiobook, for YOU!

Hello friends and family and readers/listeners who feel like friends and family. I realize you may have heard me say that before, but I don’t tire of letting you know that your company on this journey is much appreciated by this wordy girl.

It’s been ages since I dropped a podcast on The Story Table, right? Forgive me. When I left live radio in favor of podcasting from my home here on the banks of Lake Providence, I had every intention of podcasting regularly. That was the plan, this is how it’s going, me popping in regularly for months and then dropping out of the podcast rhythm for every bit as long.  It’s hard to believe I churned out five, yes ma’am, five features a week for close to twenty years. But life is all about seasons and in this one I’m trying to continue answering the call of ministry on my life while keeping up with the challenges of being in the sandwich generation – it’s a real thing.

That said, the podcast has been on my  mind. I have people asking me if I’m going to revisit the Gray family this summer. If you missed that series, I released a novel called Sierra’s Story on this podcast, one episode at a time a couple years ago. You can still find it in the archives!



I thought of telling y’all “Sierra’s Story” as a once and done type of experience, but y’all are making me rethink that. Stay tuned for news…We may be heading back to Providence. That was the name I gave our fictional town. I know, that’s incredibly imaginative isn’t it?

But, enough of that, I want to tell you why I slowed my roll to podcast today! If you haven’t heard me talking about my latest book Seizing the Good Life, well, you aren’t on social with me and you aren’t reading my newsletters. I’m more than a tad excited about it. Granted, I love talking about it period, but I happen to have received some files from the audio book version, AND I have permission from the publisher to share these excerpts with y’all.

Which perfectly delights me because I can let you hear exactly how the book is set up. It’s sorta different, like yours truly.

There are 21 chapters in Seizing the Good Life that correspond to the 21 chapters of John’s gospel. And each of my chapters are broken into three sections. There’s the Dear John opening, where I talk to John in storytelling conversation style–  that is NOT meant to be a séance, friends. That’s not biblical. It’s simply me trying to help us see what it was like when Jesus broke into John’s world so we can better see Him in ours! Then there’s the Dear Reader section, where we get into the Bible Study of the corresponding chapter, and finally, there’s the Dear Jesus section. That’s where I journal a prayer for us to help us implement what we learned in Dear Reader. Got it? Ok? We’re set? Here are samples from those sections. The Seizing the Good Life audio is narrated by yours truly and produced by Oasis Audio. 

You can listen to The Story Table wherever you like to hear your podcasts or click the audio link below.