Leighton Nails the Problem


Today’s chuckle is a prime example of something I’ve often told y’all— the best stories are the true ones. This charming little funny came to us through a reader who dropped by the porch from Mangham, Louisiana. That’s just up the road from me a piece. Looking back just now, I was shocked to see that it’s almost ten years since Carol sent it in. If her family is anything like mine, I’d be willing to bet that it has since become a family classic. You know the kind, where one person gets to do the telling although everyone present knows the story by heart? And, of course, you all laugh at the same places. I bet your family has some of those, too. Feel free to drop me a line and share. I’m all ears, and you know I like to stack up stories! Right now, we need to get Carol’s started.

Carol is a first grade teacher there and she told me the following story about grocery shopping with her four-year-old son and his fourteen-year-old sister after a long and exhausting day at work. For whatever reason, Leighton had decided that he wanted her to buy some tomato soup and he was being loud and persistent about it.

Carol said he started begging for the soup even though he had never tasted tomato soup in all of his four years on earth and he didn’t even like tomatoes. Instead of losing her temper and venting the frustration that had built from a long day with 20 first graders, Carol was trying to stand her ground quietly so she began shaking her head “no” repeatedly. Leighton continued to beg and she continued to shake her head until she could stand it no longer. “Leighton,” she said, “What is my head doing?”

Carol said that four-year-old Leighton thought for a minute and nailed his answer with a most innocent reply, “Uh…hurting?”
