Looking for Home

I pulled over to the shoulder and checked for cars before helping this fellow across the road earlier. I’m sure he was grateful, but he was in far too big a hurry to pause for a decent pic. I hope his journey continues safely.

Learned something new about box turtles recently. Did you know a box turtle will live it’s entire life within a one mile radius of where it was hatched? If you remove it and release it elsewhere, the turtle will spend its entire life trying to get home. Think about that. Everything in the natural world around us has a truth to teach us if we’ll but listen.

Turtles looking for home remind me of fallen men and women walking the earth, searching for home. Regardless of what mankind might profess, we’ll never be content apart from getting back to God, He who is our Home. Jesus is the ladder between heaven and earth. He came to a world that was lost and alone and without hope, and made a way for us to be reconciled to His Father and ours.

Point someone home today — if you know the way. If you don’t, message me. I’d love to pray with you to know Jesus, the Way, the Life, and the Truth.

By the way, I’m trying something new here, born out of my ongoing desire to be able to communicate with you on the go—because life is a blur! Right?! LOL! I’m using an app on my phone to update the website and if all goes well, the RSS feed will shoot this out to you! This old dog is determined to keep learning new tricks. Blessings to you!

Hugs, Shellie

UPDATE: I love this thought I received from one of your fellow readers after she read this message: Thank you. Very inspiring. Thinking of the box turtle: to look at it – it carries its house on its back as it continues its search for HOME. I think of us, carrying the Kingdom of God within us, as we continue HOME up the Jesus ladder, as we seek first … just a thought … thanks again … I LOVE “Ripples of Providence!” 

(You’re so welcome, Diane! I enjoyed your thoughts!)