March Madness Lagniappe from my house to yours!

Hello friend! It’s high time we catch up, wouldn’t you say? I’ll go first. It’s March Madness on so many levels around here. There’s NCAA basketball fever, for sure. We Tomlinsons love us some basketball. You can read that as we’ll be those people grieving when the winners finish cutting down the nets, but that’s a few weeks off, so right now we’re in hog heaven just binging the b-ball! But the madness doesn’t start or stop there.
Both of my parents have had heart issues since the last time I wrote to you. Papa’s heart actually stopped at 4 o’clock Monday evening, December 16th. We know from the readout on his defibrillator, the same device that brought him back moments later. Papa opened his eyes to find a crowd of onlookers looking down at him. He was lying on his back on a concrete parking lot outside his cardiologist office where he had just had a check-up! He later quipped in characteristic fashion, “I didn’t see a bright light, but I didn’t see any fire either, so I reckon that’s good!” Of course, Papa and Jesus are tight, so he was just having a little fun. That man knows exactly where he is going. We’re just glad the Lord has allowed him to stay with us a while longer. After yet another heart cath and hospital stay, we brought him home, praying and praising.
Last week, it was mom’s turn. The Queen of Us All had been having some concerning symptoms that led to a stress test and her wearing a heart monitor. It caught a problem, but the same wonderful heart doctor scheduled her for a heart cath, letting us all know he wasn’t sure what he would find until he went in. More prayer. Turns out her widow maker was 75% blocked. They put in a stent, and we got her home, too. She’s recovering now, and getting a little stronger every day. Color all of us beyond grateful. This past Saturday we had both of them for Papa’s 86th birthday celebration, and it was a special day indeed!

Our granddaughter Kennedy Lee, Papa’s youngest great grand at the party helps him with the candles!

Papa with his sisters, the last three kids of the original ten children in his family.
Our precious parents and my sisters, Cyndie on your left and Rhonda on your right. 
Meanwhile, back at the farm, it’s time to get seed in the ground so it’s all hands on deck. The beloved farmer pulled in around 9:00 this evening and he’ll be back at it before the sun rises. In and around all of that, we’ve been trying to keep up with the grands’ sports activities. (Whoever came up with the term “sandwich generation” made an astute observation. We’re definitely feeling the push and pull!) I’m also back on the road most weekends, speaking about Jesus wherever I’m invited. I just got back from Indiana. Arkansas, Alaska, and Pennsylvania are coming up soon!
Some of my speaking friends! Tammy Whitehurst, Jaz Pigee, Me, Megan Lynch, and LeeAnn Hart
Still podcasting with my buddy Chrys Howard, too. You can find the Rocking it Grand podcast on Apple and Spotify or wherever you like to listen to your favorite shows.
Last and far from least, there’s the book news I don’t think I’ve even had time to share with you!! Forgive me! I’m currently staring at the business end of a manuscript deadline. This book is called “Don’t Try to Pray Like Her” and I’ve got to turn it in mid-April to stay on the publisher’s timetable for an early 2026 release. I’m not even trying to be funny or “punny” when I ask that you pray for the prayer book! Here’s a social media graphic I posted about it earlier, along with the caption:

Caption: Just had the most amazing 2 1/2 hour zoom session with my publisher about my new book, “Don’t Try to Pray Like Her!” This is the kind of rubber meets the road verb heavy prayer help you’ll find in it, along with a fair amount of storytelling, because it’s how I roll. Watch for it early 2026! I am so stinking excited about this one. If you would like to be on a targeted email list to get notified when it becomes available, drop me your email address. Let’s geaux!!!
So, yeah, other than that, not much going on here. (Insert crazy laugh!) Honestly, folks, I really to aim to start writing more often, like I did back in the day. Does anyone remember those days when I got this newsletter out WEEKLY with five features?!) I don’t know how I did it, but I can’t anymore. I’m just one woman. Can I get an amen? Hit reply and tell me what’s going on with you. I think of you. I appreciate you. And I pray for you! Towards that point, allow me to speak a blessing over you from one of my new favorite verses, “I commend you to God, and to the Word of His Grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among those who are being sanctified.” Romans 20:32. Praise Him!
Hugs, Shellie

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