MaryBeth Whalen visits ATS LIVE today with “The Guest Book”
Hey y’all! It’s Monday and I’m running around like a chicken with her head cut off trying to lay radio tracks here and prepare for this evening’s talk show in Monroe. That’s ATS LIVE in the event you haven’t heard — and if you haven’t heard, today would be a perfect time to join us! We’ll be on the porch swing just a’swanging at 5:06 CST. The show airs locally on TALK540 and streams live for my Internet friends here.
There will be storytelling.
There will be music.
There will be cooking.
There will be “news you can lose.”
In short, it will not be like any other radio show on the dial. 🙂
My special guest today is MaryBeth Whalen, author of new release The Guest Book. I blog with Marybeth and three other fine fiction authors at Southern Belleview each week. You
really should consider making that a regular stop, too! We have a blast. Come meet MaryBeth today on ATSLIVE and register for the drawing. I’ll be giving away four copies of The Guest Book. You can win a copy simply by saying “I’m in!”, “Pick me!”, “I GOTTA HAVE THAT BOOK!” or anything else your heart desires on my Facebook wall thread about the giveaway as soon as the show starts. Hope to see you there!