Hello Ministry Leader,
I hope this finds you in full-out no-holds-barred pursuit of Jesus, aiming to experience the love of Christ which far surpasses the knowledge of Him. (Eph 3:19).
I’m Shellie Rushing Tomlinson, a story-stacking laughter-loving author, and Bible teacher. I love to encourage hungry hearts to feast on the truth of God’s Word. I fell in love with storytelling as a child when my paternal grandmother regaled us with stories of what it was like to come to Louisiana from the hills of Appalachia and set up house in a tent with a dirt floor. On the other side of the family tree, my paternal grandfather, a people-loving preacher, was known for using humor to draw his listeners to Jesus. It’s safe to say the two of them marked me. My farming husband and I live in Lake Providence, LA. Our two happily married children have given us five grands with another on the way!
My next book is scheduled for release January 28th, 2020, Finding Deep and Wide, Stop settling for the life you have and live the one Jesus died to give you. I’m beyond excited to share this message with the world in print, but even more so in personal gatherings.
Finding Deep and Wide with Shellie Rushing Tomlinson events will feature an evening of storytelling and Bible study for your next women’s conference, retreat, or even in the broader reach of your main service.
I’m currently booking weekends for February, March, and April of 2020. I’m waiving my speaking fee for these events, and in lieu of a love offering, I’m asking churches to *preorder a minimum of 75 copies of Finding Deep and Wide, to be made available for purchase by their congregation. The only other cost to your fellowship would be reimbursement for my mileage and a one-night accommodation, (unless you’re local.) My publisher and I are keeping this preorder number purposefully low to help smaller churches and we’re hoping you can recoup your investment by selling them to those who attend. If your fellowship can order more than 75, it would be much appreciated. The book will retail at $16.99. Of course, my product table will have additional copies available.
Would you bring this before your leadership team and or ministry group? I’d love to schedule a visit to your fellowship to talk about the deep and wide life!
Schedule an event today by emailing me at shellierushingtomlinson @ gmail.com and we’ll find a date that will work!
Your friend, in service to our King,
Shellie Rushing Tomlinson
*This is a limited time offer to allow margin to build the tour schedule. To secure a date, books must be preordered through Amazon or a retail store of your choice before the end of the year and an image of the receipt emailed to findingdeepandwide @ yahoo.com. For those congregations interested but unable to work with those months due to scheduling conflicts, I’m willing to honor this commitment through June 2020 on a church by church basis, if we can find a date that works.