My Lips are Sealed!

Hello folks, Sorry your newsletter is late! I took a super quick grandmother road trip to Houston to be with Baby Connor while he had tubes put in his ears. All is well there and I’m back in Louisiana playing catch-up. And on that note, I have an awful lot to say today, so have a seat, and let’s chat…~smile~

For starters, I want to remind everyone to VOTE! You may have noticed that I tend to stay out of politics on the porch. That still seems like a good idea to me, so I’m not going to address the candidates, but I would like to quote NYT’s Bestselling author, Andy Andrews. I had him on my talk show last week, and he said something bears repeating, “It’s about more than a man and an election. Vote for the direction you want for our country.” Hear, hear, Andy!

I’ve also kicked off our annual 30 Days of Thankfulness Drive here at All Things Southern. Longtime readers will recognize it as our annual humanitarian effort designed to coincide with the Thanksgiving season. So many of you have joined with me in past years to express our gratitude by reaching out to those in need. Remember when we worked with Life Today to drill a well in Southern Africa? Even as you read these words that well continues to supply fresh life-sustaining water to an entire village. For that, I thank you once again! You can read all about this year’s drive on my blog. Please join us and live your gratitude out loud by hitting that donate button. Afterwards, I hope you’ll spread the word. THANKS!

Okay, I think that pretty much concludes the business part of our visit. So, let me ask y’all a question. Have you heard the Lipstick Effect? This is the theory that suggests lipstick sales go up during hard times and are therefore an indicator of how consumers are feeling about the economy. Experts claim women will forego purchasing this season’s must have dress or boots but they won’t pass on their color. What’s more, they’ll even splurge on the more expensive brands.

I don’t know how much of that is valid. Yours truly recently bought a lipstick system that was considerably more costly than I generally spend on my color and it had zero to do with the economy and everything to do with the fact that this stuff lives up to its claims—it lasts until you take it off. Yes, I said lipstick system. We’ll get back to that. As y’all may have heard me whine about once or five thousand times, my lips are sorta kinda thin, meaning I can make a lizard look like she’s had Botox.

But I mentioned the system. Well, that’s the tricky part for a belle like me, meaning someone who has the attention span of a gnat. You’re supposed to apply three coats of the liquid color, allowing each coat a few seconds to dry before applying the next. Once this procedure is complete, you add your super glossy top coat, unless you’ve made a boo-boo. If you’ve accidentally colored outside the lines there’s a third tube that will remove your mistake. Don’t lose this unless you want to walk around looking like you had an extreme makeover from your four-year-old.

It’s also important not to let your lips touch before they dry. No talking or your lips will be sealed, so to speak. I mentioned this to my man and he said that would be a shame. He did not look sincere. Paulette’s the one who told me about this system. She pointed out that gluing your lips together might be an easy way to drop a few pounds, so, in her words it’s a win/win. I wonder what the experts would say to that.

Hugs, Shellie