Nature Reveals the Resourcefulness of God

If the well little piglet felt out of place, she was hiding it well. I grinned as I scanned the pictures of her stark pink body, snuggled down in the middle of her furrier foster siblings as if it was the most natural thing in the world for a piglet to be present in a litter of warm and fuzzy puppies, rooting heartily at Mama Dachshund’s ample delivery system.


It wasn’t the first forward of its kind to end up in my inbox, although it definitely ranked as one of the cutest. No doubt, you’ve seen these kind of pictures, too. Animal mothers caring for orphans who bear scant resemblance to their own offspring. Sometimes these unnatural adoptions are comprised of what are generally considered sworn enemies, which makes it all the more interesting to see cats nursing puppies and border collies nursing ducklings and squirrels. In the interest of fair and balanced reporting, I’ll have to say that my beloved Dixie Belle has found her share of baby squirrels and baby birds over the years, but I’ve yet to see her hunting instinct give her maternal instinct a fighting chance.

Dixie’s record, however, fails to negate the large body of photographic evidence that’s readily available. Cross species adoptions do happen, and by all accounts, they happen quite frequently.

According to the book of Romans, God’s invisible attributes and divine nature are clearly seen in creation. I think of this as God’s version of show and tell. So, tell me, with that being said, can you look back at the aforementioned picture of our wee little pig and see the nature of God, or one of His attributes? No? Look again, closer this time.

What the little piglet needed but didn’t get from his natural mother came to him from a totally unexpected direction. Ah, do you see it now? The truth of God is all over our scene. Allow me to spell it out as I see it. God isn’t limited in meeting our physical or emotional needs by the presence or absence of certain people in our lives, and He isn’t hemmed in by our present circumstances.

However final or hopeless these things may may seem to us, God can act outside of all obvious solutions. My and your ongoing challenge will always be to look beyond our problems and seek Him as our source.

Hugs, Shellie