On Uniquely Redneck Roadtrips

Hello folks, let’s chat…My family and friends encourage my love of story by sending me all kinds of tales, from the funny to the bizarre to the uniquely redneck road trip. Enter Kellie, stage left.

Kellie, together with her man and their three kids, recently set out on a long-awaited beach vacation. On the morning of their trip, Kellie removed a white bag of jumbo shrimp from her freezer that she’d been saving for just the right occasion. With visions of enjoying an ocean side feast of grilled shrimp with her loved ones, Kellie carefully iced the seafood down and off they went!

The second leg of their journey found our merry vacationers in Mississippi where they picked up several members of their extended family. While there, Kellie dutifully checked the cooler and added extra ice to her shrimp.

Fast forward to Florida. Having placed the bag of shrimp in the sink to thaw, Kellie was stretched out by the water watching her offspring when her daddy called from the condo. He asked Kellie to send her husband back to the room.

“Why,” Kellie asked.

“Just send him,” her daddy said.

Kellie repeated, “But why? He’s helping with the kids.”

Her daddy was equally insistent that she send Lance.

Exasperated, Kellie said, “Just tell me what’s wrong.”

“It’s your shrimp,” her daddy explained. “They sure are hairy.”

Kellie and family dripped their way back up to the condo. There in the sink, in the opened white bag my friend had oh-so-carefully iced down and transported for hundreds of miles and several states, lay a dead raccoon– teeth bared in a vicious grin. (That’s called adding insult to injury.)



The ensuring investigation revealed Kellie’s fourteen-year-old son as the party responsible for placing the raccoon in their freezer back home, preserved in an identical bag to that of the coveted seafood.

Mark Twain once said, “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.”I imagine that applies to grilled coon and beach vacations but the jury’s out. It was sandwiches all around.

Hugs, Shellie



  • lida mcgivern
    August 24, 2015

    Oh my! This story brings back a childhood memory. We were still living in New Orleans and had returned from a visit to Alsatia. A few days later, Mama went to the deep freeze to take out some meat and saw an unfamiliar foil package. When she opened it, she came face to face with a bobcat’s paw. My Papaw Dukes had killed a bobcat and gave me the paw as a souvenir. He told me to put it in the freezer to preserve it! I always did what Papaw told me!

  • Shellie
    August 23, 2015

    LOL! Amen to real life craziness. 🙂 Thx for the kind words, Vonda! I’d love to meet you one day, too!

  • August 22, 2015

    Shellie, the entire time I was reading your story, I kept glancing back to check the photo. What in the world could that thing be? A wig–in the freezer? Entrails? I couldn’t figure it out for the life of me.

    Never in a million years would I have guessed a raccoon. We don’t need fiction–real life is crazy enough!

    Love your stories. Hope to see you one of these days.

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