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Thanksgiving! It’s long been one of my hands-down favorite holidays, and I’m so grateful, no pun intended, that this season of gratitude has proven more resistant to the trappings of commercialism than our other celebrations.  May it always be, right?! So, in the spirit of the season, I’ve created y’all a little Thanksgiving gift! PRINTABLES!

I printed the ones you see here in heavy cardstock with a pretty shiny beige finish on my home computer. You can find cardstock at crafts centers, office supply stores, etc.

Get into the spirit of Thanksgiving and print yours out. Hang a few of your favorites on a banner. Punch a hole in the corners and put some on a ring or bit of twine, or leave them in different places around your home as gratitude prompts. You may have your own ideas of how to use them. If so, share the inspiration!

And speaking of sharing, read on to hear about another special part of Thanksgiving here at All Things Southern.

I’ve been  thinking about this community of ours and the 30 Days of Thankfulness Drives we’ve shared in the past years, and the less than well thought out things I’ve done in the past to spur us on and to celebrate once we reached out goal.

There was the time I organized that crowd of strangers in an airport terminal into an impromptu cheerleading squad and led them in a chant of celebration– and filmed it for y’all. Remember that? I’m thinking airport security does.

And then there was the time y’all challenged me to put on my old high school uniform and cheer in public if y’all helped me meet our goal– and yes, I did that, too. Here is pictorial proof.

(Fortunately, you can’t see the muffin top beneath the sweater that made buttoning the skirt impossible.) Not to discount the time my BFF and partner in chaos, Rhonda Perry, helped me do the chicken dance live on Facebook to spur donations. (Well, it made sense at the time.)

But I’m burying the headline here, aren’t I? I should’ve started by saying, “It’s back!” Our 30 Days of Thankfulness drive is back!

“But, Shellie, doesn’t raising money make you uncomfortable?”

I’ve been asked that question a number of ways since we began our Nov. 30 Days of Thankfulness campaigns some years ago. Along with a version of this one: “Aren’t you worried you’ll offend your readers and hurt your book sales?” Well, let’s see…

Together, we’ve drilled water wells around the world for villages who now enjoy fresh drinking water on an ongoing basis.

Together, we’ve built a Hope House for underprivileged children who now have a place to attend school and hear about Jesus.Together, we’ve helped a local ministry care for kids who basically live on the streets. And so on… I imagine living in any of those circumstances to be far more than uncomfortable, but being a squeaky wheel every day for 30 days? Not so much.

Mark 14:8 strengthens my spirit: “She has done what she could.” That’s my goal, to do all I can. So, once again, I’m asking you to partner with me for the next thirty days as we live out our gratitude.

Longtime readers are familiar with this drive. New friends, I hope you’ll join us. For the next 30 days our focus will be on living out our thankfulness in actions, and not just words and memes.

Our goal will be to see 4 children sponsored through Compassion Int’l, a child-advocacy ministry that pairs compassionate people with children suffering in poverty. The ministry has exemplified integrity since 1952. They’re committed to releasing children from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty. Their goal is for each child they reach to become a responsible and fulfilled adult.

One of the children Phil and I sponsor is a little girl named Darling. Seriously, her name is Darling. Let’s help four more “darlings” find sponsors. That’s one life changed per week! Of course, I’d like to see more but we’ll start with four. (I’m a poet and don’t know it. 😊) When I think back at past drives, I remember how it always looked like we were going to fall short or our goal, until we didn’t. The pattern has taught me the results aren’t my responsibility once I’ve offered this platform for God’s purposes.

Did you know that for $38 a month, you can feed and clothe a needy child and help them get an education—all in the name of Jesus Christ? Once their little bellies are full and they begin to flourish in school, these children are open and eager to learn more about the One in whose name they’ve been given hope for the future.

To release a child from poverty is a beautiful thing.

Please scoot over to www.compassion.com/shellietomlinson and see if you’re moved to connect with a child that needs you — but get ready to be amazed by how much your heart actually needed to invest in that child. It’s truly a win/win. It’s super easy, and life transforming, not only for the child but for you, as well. Will you be one of the new four sponsors? You’ll find it easy to follow the simple steps to becoming a sponsor, but should you need me, I’m just an email away.

Oh, and do let me know if you hit that link. I want to meet the child whose life you’ll be transforming, and I want to celebrate your decision!
