Oughta Be Shamed to the Knees

We have a saying in the South, “He oughta be shamed to his knees.” The observation is made of someone who has made choices that seem to have embarrassed everyone but the one making them. Generally, there’s a widely agreed upon and unspoken progression of thought tacked on the end: He oughta be shamed to be his knees— but he’s not.

I thought about that saying earlier when the Beloved Hubby and I were watching the news. The unseemly personal actions of a certain politician were up for discussion when one talking head made the following point. This won’t be a word for word quote, but it’s close: “It used to be that when someone fell from grace, so to speak, they would fade from the public square and repair their lives—or not—out of sight. Today we have an admission and or an apology, an expression of intent to get help, and a speedy return to the lights without any sense of shame. Why is that?”

The question went to a doctor of psychology but I was waving my hand like the kid in the class who feels sure she has the right answer this time. “Oh, pick me! Pick me!”

They didn’t, but that’s okay. I came out here to talk to y’all instead.

I believe I can tell you what happened to the shame.

As a nation, we removed The Standard.

When there is no standard to live up to, there is no shame in falling short of it.

We’ve spent decades chipping away at the idea of one shining standard. Anyone who believes there is one Truth that we should all seek is considered old fashioned and narrow-minded.

We’ve been told that morals and ethics are ever changing and debatable.

As long as you live according to what is true to you, and I live according to what is true to me, we’re all good. Only we’re not.

To be sure, shame is a rotten place to sojourn. I’m not recommending anyone live there and I’m ever so thankful that we’ve been given a Way out. But as I consider that southern saying tonight, I see it in an entirely new light.

Shamed to his knees sounds a lot like

Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up…  James 4.10

My prayer is that we lift up The Standard of truth.

“Your Word is truth.” John 17.17

And learn how to be shamed to our knees so He can lift us up.

Hugs, Shellie




  • August 8, 2013

    Hebrews 13:8- Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.
    There are no provisos in God’s commandments and what is right and wrong remains unchanged for all time.

  • Shellie Rushing Tomlinson
    August 5, 2013

    THX, MissZ! 🙂

  • August 5, 2013

    Amen, girlfriend. Amen.

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