Share the Glory

My cousin sent me this video. I’ve watched it more than once, especially the end. Those closing thoughts from that precious, yet very honest young boy move me to cry right along with him. Please watch it and then, ponder this…

History is littered with the stories of incomprehensible cruelties that one person or group inflicts on another, vile acts that lead people to wonder aloud at the source of such evil. But what about this kind of good? Why not spend more time considering the source of this example of goodness, this display of human compassion?

Don’t miss that line from Steve Hartman near the end, the one where he says Justus admits that “it never crossed his mind before to give Keith any glory.” That’s a clue.

Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

Yes, there is evil all around us.

There is also good.

And in the end, good will win. God will win.


If you run across more stories like this one, do share them with me.  Evil gets enough press.

Let’s celebrate God, together.

Hugs, Shellie