Shellie on Social Confusion and Hope in the Hard Places with author Sarah Beckman

Hey, y’all! We’re making Broccoli Love in the All Things Southern kitchen today, or what I fondly refer to as “broccoli for the people who don’t think they like broccoli!” Also, author Sarah Beckman will be in to chat about her new book, Hope in the Hard Places.


Sarah is a national speaker and the bestselling author of Alongside, but she’s also a seasoned traveler in the world of adversity. No one walks in this world without going through hard places. Jesus, Himself, promised us it was coming. Sarah will offer us some hard-earned advice on getting though what we’re going through! But first, let’s chat…

Did y’all hear that story out of France about the fox in the hen house? Yeah, it made international news because, um, that’s what makes international news these days. Insert sigh. But, as I was saying, seems the fox snuck into a chicken farm and got into the hen house before the farmer closed the door for the night. Good plan, right? Wrong. He was found the next morning, pecked to death by the hens! Bless it. I’m guess that’s not how he saw that going!

And speaking of being of outfoxed… Did you see that poll claiming 1 out of every 2 young people in our nation would be happy if we were a socialist country? I wish I was making that up, but I’m not. Despite well-documented history that socialism is a fail wherever it’s tried, a growing number of Americans are all in with wealth redistribution and big, big, and bigger government.

I’m still reeling from that reveal, but I’ve collected myself to offer a few thoughts. I think what we have here is a failure to communicate. Surely, one out of two millennials think a socialist is someone on social media. That explains it. They’re probably just wanting us to spread more “likes” in a Why-can’t-we-all-get-along” sort of way. A belle can hope…and pray.

In the words of a wise old sage, free rides for all may sound like a fine idea, but someone’s got to pull the wagon.


Today’s Guest: You can hear this episode’s interview with Sarah Beckman, author of Hope in the Hard Places, on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify, or by clicking the audio link here on the website. I hope you enjoy!



A Taste of the South
“Broccoli Love” (for people who don’t think they love broccoli)

Wash and prep broccoli.



Coat with olive oil, red pepper flakes and much garlic. As Foghorn Leghorn would tell it, “I say, I say much garlic.” See pic.

Spread on cookie sheet. No crowding. Your broccoli requests room to breathe, y’all, or it won’t get crunchy and all caramelizy. Yes, I make up words but sometimes I need one that isn’t there. Yes, and thank you.

Roast at 425 degrees for 20-25 minutes, flipping about halfway through unless you’re being lazy. I usually am. Works anyway.

Remove from oven. Sprinkle with fresh lemon juice, top with shaved Parmesan cheese and convert the masses.


P.S. If your previously converted farmer is late coming home for supper, you may or may not have some explaining to do…
P.S.S. If you want to add crumbled bacon here you wouldn’t hurt anyone’s feelings— cause, bacon— except maybe vegetarians and you know what I’m gonna say, right? #blesstheirhearts


Southern Comfort

Before I go, I want to share a story I found. The author is unknown, but the message bears repeating.

Someone cried, “Where must the seed be sown to bring the most fruit when it is grown?”

The Master heard as He said and smiled, “Go plant it for Me in the heart of a child.”


I’m increasingly convinced that as we share the gospel with our littles and tell them of God’s great love, it is imperative that we teach them how to think. We simply can’t begin too early teaching them to think about what they’re thinking about.

We can’t train them too soon in understanding how to avoid the circular thinking that is the enemy’s trade.
We must not let them grow up at the mercy of their thoughts.
We must teach them to invite Jesus in to heal and teach, comfort and correct.
Much heartache results from not learning how to think. Legitimate pain doesn’t have to become lifelong hurt.

Careful what follows, “The more I’ve thought about it…” Whatever comes next will shape us today and create our tomorrows. I didn’t say it, God did. “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7

That’s it for this week folks. If you’re enjoying the podcast, would you be so kind as to give it a review and share it with your friends and family? Many THX!   Until next time, may the Good Lord bless you and keep you, make His face to shine upon you, and give you peace. This is Shellie with hugs for all~