Shellie talks farming, suspect stress, and Confessions of a Christian Mystic with author River Jordan

Welcome back to All Things Southern, y’all! Let’s chat…After a long cold winter and a wet spring, the weather is simply gorgeous here in northeast Louisiana. The beloved farmer is in high gear with the rest of the ag community. For me, that means taking lunch to my favorite tractor driver because there is zero time to waste getting seed in the ground. I make my deliveries via the Kubota (that’s an off the road utility vehicle if you’re asking). I love taking off down the field and enjoying those familiar sights and sounds that signal the onset of another farming season.


Farming isn’t for the faint of heart, but it’s a special way of life and the love of it runs in our blood. Lord willing, we’ll be here for the duration.


I wonder if that’s how Flo Meiler feels about her present occupation? I read about Miss Flo in the news. She’s 84 years old and she’s on her way to Poland to compete in the Master Athletic Championship. Check this out. Flo’s sport of choice is pole vaulting. She took up the sport at the age of 65! I’m not making this up. Tomboy honor. Flo trains five days a week even though she’s the only competitor in her age group.

For the love, y’all. I was still trying to figure out why anyone would pick up pole vaulting at 65 when I ran across another article from the opposite end of the spectrum. This one said America’s young people complain that life is too stressful— and they blame things like broken smart phones and slow Wi-Fi. Slow Wi-Fi. Yeah, that’s a killer right there. I bet the remaining seniors from the greatest generation feel plum silly for whining about the Depression. Don’t you?


All Things Southern Podcast

This week my friend and author, speaker, extraordinaire, River Jordan joins me on the podcast to talk about her new release Confessions of a Christian Mystic. 


You can listen to the All Things Southern podcast on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, or  by hitting the play button below! 

That’s it for this week, folks! Until next time, may the Good Lord bless you and keep you, make His face to shine upon you, and give you peace!

Hugs for all,