I’m all for folks getting an education and making a better life for themselves but I’ve noticed something. Sometimes, too much book sense can cause a person to use a string of two-dollar words when a fifty-cent word would be a better fit. If you’ve been around my porch long, you may know that I’m as partial to stretching out a good story as anyone

I recently sent a little tweet into cyberspace that read: “Dear adult person, your mother isn’t responsible for the choices you’re making today. I mean that in the nicest way. Choose well.” Immediately, the questions rolled in. Let me repeat my answer. It wasn’t a pointed message. I was simply thinking of how parenting comes without a manual. Granted, some people fail miserably at it,

Hello folks, thanks for coming by All Things Southern for our weekly visit. I've been looking forward to see y'all! Have a seat and let’s chat…~smile~ I’ve been watching a debate play out in a national advice column about funeral etiquette, specifically the practice of taking pictures of the deceased. It began when an irate sister witnessed someone snapping a photo of her brother in his

LuAnn reports that she had a birthday last week. She also reported an adorable story that deserves to be shared. LuAnn was celebrating one of the big ones, a birthday with a nice round number, and that’s as far as I’m going. I know better. LuAnn is one of those belles who freely admits that she doesn’t give a fig about aging gracefully—she’s fighting it

Welcome back to the All Things Southern kitchen, folks. We're making a couple of my awesome no bake Chllin’ Strawberry Cheesecakes! Chillin' Cheesecake? I named ‘em that ‘cause it doesn't require a big time commitment. Follow me over to the island and let’s get cooking! 1 (3 ounce) box Lemon Jell-O 1 cup boiling water 2 (8 ounce) packages of softened low fat cream cheese 1 cup sugar 1 (3