He was born in Texas in 1926. He grew up on a cotton farm about 35 miles east of Dallas, the son of a Texas lawman and Justice of the Peace who taught him the basics of music. He started singing in high school with a band called “Billy Boyd’s Cowboy Ramblers”. But before the year was out Uncle Sam cut the young musician’s gig

Yikes! I opened the radio show yesterday in a most colorful and yet totally unintended way.  I had plans to say something cute about it being Talk Like Shakespeare Day. Towards that end, I opened my mouth to say, "Why fore shalt thou not join me on yon radio show?" INSTEAD, I heard myself begin with, "Why _______" (insert rather crude word that rhymes with cart and smart and has

Welcome back to the kitchen, y'all. I realize I'm not doing anyone's diet a favor with today's recipe, but ever so often you've got to indulge yourselves. We're here in the All Things Southern kitchen today making mouth-watering "Bayou Brownies" and you're gonna love 'em. Remember the moderation rule— serving size is the key. 1 cup chopped pecans ½ cup melted butter 3 large eggs 1 18.25 oz pkg.