Sometimes what could’ve happened can be funnier than what did, especially if the potential for major embarrassment has been avoided and all is well. But I suppose I should explain. As a general rule, I’m up before the Beloved Farmer leaves for work. However, on the day the following events transpired I had overslept and the Farmer, being a kind-hearted fella, chose not to wake me.

Let me tell you a story… I’ve written to you before about my love for the beautiful national magazine, American Essence. I can’t remember how I ran across this gem, but I have been hooked from the first issue I read. In their own words, American Essence is “a magazine that focuses on traditional American values and great American stories. It tells the stories of real

Hello friends and family and readers/listeners who feel like friends and family. I realize you may have heard me say that before, but I don’t tire of letting you know that your company on this journey is much appreciated by this wordy girl. It’s been ages since I dropped a podcast on The Story Table, right? Forgive me. When I left live radio in favor of

Greetings, friend, and thank you for being a part of this deeply appreciated community! I'm fresh off my last speaking engagement of the season. Serving the women of The Crossing Church in Kernersville, NC was a pure delight but Monday has come with a ton of mountain of responsibilities and tasks that need addressing. I'll get to them, but first, I wanted to share something

Hello, friend! This past weekend I enjoyed a wonderful retreat with the ladies of my home church. I had no sooner arrived Friday afternoon when I pulled my camera out and taped the following clip. I just had to-- Holy Spirit was pressing on me. I hope you'll check it out and then come back and chat more below. Do let me know if that little

Hey friend, that little home studio I threw together is already coming in quite handy! I usually have to get in warp mode when I have to do a zoom interview with a radio station, podcast, conference director, etc. Now, I just have to sit down and talk. As you know, the talking part comes easy. LOL! Be nice. God don't like ugly. But, here's